Friday, May 27, 2011

My Last Supper

I recently discovered a book of photo essays called "My Last Supper" in which famous chefs state what they would want to eat as their final meal on earth. Some of the chefs want really elaborate meals and others want simple dishes their mothers used to make. This discovery provoked me to think about what I would want as my last meal in France. I am only twenty years old and hopefully will live many more decades so thinking about my final meal ever was too hard. I decided the roasted chickens sold in the outdoor markets would be the perfect last meal. The chickens are delicious and smell so good, as soon as I get near a markets I can immediately smell them. I would also want the potatoes that are cooked in the chicken fat and sprinkled with herbs de provence. Luckily for me there is a market on Sunday so I might just have to go by one final chicken.


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