Thursday, May 26, 2011

Algeria's National Dish

I have been pleasantly surprised with the North African food I have found in France. The most common food served in North African restaurants is couscous. Couscous was first created in Algeria by the Berbers after discovering semolina. The couscous dough is created by mixing water and coarse semolina particles and then is "crumbled" through a sieve creating tiny pellets. I went to an Algerian restaurant and ordered the lamb couscous. A big hunk of lamb was served on top of a bowl of couscous, along with carrots, chickpeas, zucchini, and cabbage. A bowl of the cooking liquid was served as a sauce and was flavored with cinnamon, cumin, and ginger. It was very good and also very filling; the waiter made fun of my "tiny stomach".

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